Hi blog, just updating you guys today because I finally finished my CCR script! The script is about 2100 words. It took me what felt like absolutely forever to make it. This week I’ve had so much going on that I had to postpone making my script until the end of the week. As you may know, I am one of the chairs for this project at my school called Dance Marathon which happened this Friday. So, I’ve been a little occupied.
However, I did make time to finish it and this weekend I have been able to film and edit it. Filming took pretty quick. Most shots were taken once and only once. But by the time I got to editing, I realized that I had an issue because I wasn’t gonna be able to work with Adobe Premiere Pro as I didn’t want to download any new apps to my new computer that I just got because I don’t want to overload it yet. So, I had to work with iMovie.
Now, I thought that iMovie would’ve made this process easier... but I was VERY wrong. It was so difficult to use iMovie. It was slower, it just didn’t have as many tools as adobe did. For my first project, I answered the first two questions and that one was pretty easy. I just made it like a YouTube video. So, all I had to really do was add some background music and add a couple images over the screen.
The second car I created was a little bit harder. I did it in a talk show kind of way which meant that I needed to creatively insert photos in a different way than the YouTube video. So in order to do that I decided to use this big monitor that I have in my house, put a green picture on it, and use that as a green screen. But, greenscreening in iMovie is much more difficult than greenscreening in Adobe. So, it was pretty difficult to do so.Everything took me about two days to do and I’m pretty happy with the way that it came out. Of course if I used Adobe I could’ve probably added in many more things after editing just like I did with my film opening. But, I’d say that I got all of my points across with research, pictures, evidence, and all the things that you guys would need to see about how I feel about my project.
I thought that I was gonna run into an issue because my script is so long, but the videos ended up combining to be 9 1/2 minutes when my limit was 10, so I wasvery happy with that as I was scared that I would have to cut the video down, and I wouldn’t know how. I can’t wait to post my opening and my CCR here! I think and hope you guys will love it!
I can't believe this process is finally coming to a close. I've been through so many highs and lows with you guys and I can't believe that I will be saying goodbye to my blog. This has been such an amazing journey with you all, and I hope that you've enjoyed it just as much as I have.
I started this project kind of dreading it and now I'm so sad that it's over. I've learned so much about myself through this process and I had so much fun creating my media products. I don't know when I'll "talk to you guys next time," but I am "signing off..."
I hope I'll talk to you guys soon. Signing off!
- Amanda Margulies
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