Today was finally the day. the day we talked about and waited for. This is the first big day of many; one of the most important days during my project. The day of execution begins today. I learned a lot about what it means to film and how important paying attention to detail is and had some issues down the road..
My friend Sammy came over to my house and of course, we sat and did nothing for hours; not uncommon for 15 and 16-year-olds… Anyway, I unpackaged my new tripod that I ordered on Amazon and we began. Now of course I had my storyboard and notes but I felt that it was also important to keep my creative mind open to new plans and listen to any ideas she had. Originally my video was supposed to start inside of my room kind of like a music video and just show different shots of Taylor, being messy and other things of that sort. However, when Sammy got to my house, I realized that it would be nice if it was a video of her getting home from school and then noticing that she had an assignment to do; so that’s what we did. The first shot we did was where the character Taylor gets out of the car rushes out and doesn’t say bye to the person driving, which we don’t see in the film, but it is a friend who drove her home from school. Taylor rushes out of the car and can’t get the key out of her pocket in her usual Taylor way and can't get the key inside the door, but she does and she rushes into her room. She plops down her bag and goes to her bed. Then I thought it would be nice if she opened her computer and saw that she had an assignment due that night which is something that I can relate to greatly. So I made that the next shot; then I made it seem like she put music on which I’m going to edit later. We see a lot of shots of messy things in her room along with shots of Taylor working on the project, then I decided that Taylor should have a moment with herself in the bathroom just splashing some water on her face, telling herself that everything is gonna be OK and that she needs to get her self together. So, we filmed that part and moved on to the end where she was done with her project. She takes pictures of it and submits it on her computer. We filmed everything except the last scene where she closes her computer. I don’t know yet if I want the title to be shown after she goes to her computer or if I wanna keep the title in the beginning, but I’ll figure that out as editing begins. I noticed that it was definitely helpful that Sammy knows a lot about film and theater and she was able to give me some insight on what I should do better. I also found that putting our creative minds together meant that a lot of change would be happening to my project in the blink of an eye. There wasn’t much time to just brainstorm and write ideas down. It was more of a game-time decision like when we change shots or angles. I found that it was tough to film the low-angle shots I had in mind for example when she was doing the project, and I wanted her to feel powerless in her own mind, but because the tripod was so big and didn’t shrink enough; it was kind of difficult to do so. I also found a very high angle difficult to film.
Because Sammy and I are such close friends with also very difficult to make sure that we weren’t laughing during the take switch could shake up the camera and make the acting seem not real and creates many other problems, but overall today went very well. We filmed almost the whole entire project that we needed to, I'm sure during editing that I need to refilm my shots which I will probably be doing next week or the weekend after I’m not sure yet but you guys will know. I’m definitely excited to start editing this project and see how the videos will match up with each song choice.

I'll talk to you guys later. Signing off!
- Amanda Margulies
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