Sunday, February 26, 2023


     Hey everyone... it's almost time to start filming! I can't tell yet if I'm extremely excited or terrified; I know it's one of the two. Now that filming time is so close, it was only right of me to make a more detailed plan of what I am doing. I chose to jot down some quick notes on some sparse ideas I had along with some storyboarding!

What is storyboarding?

      A storyboard is a simple yet tedious task that basically plans out everything in your film. It's visual, all drawn out. These drawings contain each shot in the film, including camera movements like pans and tilts. It allows for more visualization on paper rather than unorganized thoughts in your brain. Storyboarding is a simple way to communicate your ideas through illustration. Storyboards also have captions underneath each drawing that states the shot and what the character in the shot is doing. They also contain little arrows which indicate different camera movements. For example, a tilt would have an arrow going up or down; while a pan would have an arrow going left or right.

      Below you can see a section of a storyboard. This is the beginning of my short film opening. I created a storyboard for the beginning of my film, left a space, and then put the storyboard for the middle of my film on the outline below the storyboard. Most people would probably be very confused by that; however, there is a method to my madness. Some of my videos consist of chunks of quick shots of props/items. So, I'm not necessarily sure of where those will be placed in the film or in What order. So, in the outline I discussed what they would look like; however, it would be pointless to draw them into the storyboard in an order that isn't promised in the final video. I will most likely determine where those shots will go once I determine the song I'll be using and when I'm editing. I also have to see which shots sync well with that song and don't look too awkward.

      Here you guys can see some general notes included in my overall film opening outline. I jotted down all of the ideas floating around in my head so I can be more organized, organization is key! I've definitely learned my lesson after those group projects from this year... I wrote here what all of the quick shots will look like along with a storyboard for the middle of my film. I also included some major points that should be created while filming which are indicated by the asterisks (*).

I'll talk to you guys later. Signing off!
- Amanda Margulies

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Film Opening - 4/2/23

Here is the link to my two minute film opening! I hope you guys have enjoyed this journey with me. Signing off!...